Arvid Malmström

M.Sc. Financial modelling, Engineering physics,
Lund University
Hello everyone!
My name is Arvid Malmström and I grew up in the countryside between Uddevalla and Ljungskile, which is not too far from beautiful Trollhättan. Growing up I played a lot of sports, mostly football, tennis, athletics and floorball. When I got older, it became mostly football, which I played until I was 18 in Ljungskile SK. I still have the interest in sports and I have raced Vasaloppet twice and will do so again next year.
Except for sports, I always found mathematics and science subjects very interesting and of course I studied nature in high school. There the interest in mathematics continued and naturally I choose to study engineering physics in Lund.
The study period in Lund was incredibly fun, student life was alternated with interesting courses. Engineering physics was a mixture of mathematics, physics and programming, which suited me perfectly. When the third year was over, it was time to specialize, and I took courses within data analysis, machine learning and a little bit of finance, which meant that I got a specialization in financial modelling. In parallel with my studies, I was also involved in some of the section’s committees. It was especially fun to write for the sections newspaper, which in the end no one read.
When the studies was coming to an end, I looked up some graduate programs as it seemed like an interesting start to the working life. Now that I’m here, I look forward to exciting challenges and a lot of learning in an interesting industry with great challenges ahead.