Happy holidays!

Hello everyone!
Yesterday we went away to have some activates together before the summer holiday. We talked about engagement and how we can strengthen it and then we went out in the sun to play frisbee golf. Now we’re going on holiday and I can’t really understand that we’ve been here for a whole year soon! Since the start, we’ve been around on different rotations and I myself have been within production, supply chain and now finally purchasing. I have studied nonconformities , contributed to the work with the visualization of the service flow for RM12, set up project plans, learned how we work with our suppliers and identified areas of which we should focus on in the future and much more. I have gained insight into many different parts of the company and have also had time to get involved in both a Sustainability Workstream and the board of Young@GAS.
As a trainee group, we have had a project together where we worked on behalf of the composite lab in our Global Technology Center where the goal has been to develop a product to be able to perform safe knife changes and to review their forming station. We have also attended various trainings, gone to the air flotilla F7 in Såtenäs, visited Aeroseum, participated and planned both fairs and events and we of course hope for even more in the future.
When we return from the vacation, it’s soon time to welcome both new trainees and “tekniksprångare” to us and we really long to be able to meet physically again! Of course, the pandemic has canceled some of our planned activities, but we’re keeping our fingers crossed, that by autumn, we will be able to get away a bit more. Above all, we hope for a visit to Bristol, just outside London, to visit our sites and one of our newly built Global Technology Centers located there!
I wish you all a really nice summer and you will hear from us again in the autumn!