Filip Jensen

M. Sc. in Space Engineering – Spacecraft and Instrumentation, Luleå University of Technology
My name is Filip Jensen, born in 1992 and raised in Trollhättan. Ever since I was old enough to sit in my grandfather’s lap, I’ve shared his interest in innovative technology and exciting phenomena’s in outer space. I believe that it is from those moments that I have developed an ardent interest for aerospace and spaceflight which led me to GKN.
In 2012 I started my University studies, MSc. Space Engineering – Spacecraft and Instrumentation in Luleå. A time full of fun activities and were lifelong bonds to friends where created. I knew long before the start of the program that I wanted to work with rocketry, more specifically propulsion. I reached out for a summer internship at GKN in Trollhättan during my second year since I wanted to get some perspective of the business from being in the industry. I worked at the Aerothermo department and has since then done several internships at both the Nozzle and Rotors department.
Beside my studies I also participated in a 2 year long program called REXUS/BEXUS organized by the Swedish National Space Agency, DLR and ESA. In the program we designed an experiment called SALACIA which purpose was to measure conductivity of perchlorate salts during a rocket launch, as the rocket ascends though the atmosphere it experiences Mars-like conditions. These perchlorates where found by the Mars Science Laboratory, more commonly known as the Curiosity Rover, to have a strong connection to a present water cycle on the red planet. The rocket was launched from Esrange and the rocket itself is essentially a rebuilt missile called Improved Orion with an incredible acceleration as its designed purpose is ground to air combat, with that said, it was a very short launch experience. In the end of my studies I was also participating in a zero gravity experiment for the “Fly Your Thesis!” program, to fly in 2018 in a Zero-G A300 aircraft.
In the autumn of 2017 I did an internship at the European Space Agency (ESA), ESTEC in the Netherlands. I was working at the TEC-MPC (chemical propulsion) section and my work tasks ranged from additive manufacturing for CubeSats, Phase-zero design of satellites and lab testing of powder bed built hardware.
The Master’s thesis was then done back at GKN in Topology Optimization for the Prometheus project with the goal to reduce the weight of the manifold of the turbine. The trainee program has been a goal ever since I did my first internship here at GKN in Trollhättan as I have been in close contact with many of the previous trainees and thought of it as a perfect opportunity for my interest, to continuously develop and meet new people.