Malin Rådberg

Malin Rådberg




M.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering at Karlstad University.





In the spring of 1991 I was born in Trollhättan. I grew up in the outer edge of the city only a stone´s throw away from the fields and the forest, which created and sustained my love for nature. My teen years were spent, amongst other things, by practicing soccer, gymnastics and figure skating, for a period of time all three of them at once. Having finished the scientific program at Nils Ericson high school I headed north into the forests of Värmland. The first year in Karlstad was a ”sabbatical year” during which I only studied free standing courses that I thought were funny and interesting. Since I have a passion and a natural aptitude for languages, the year resulted in Chinese and Arabic studies at 150 % study pace (the term sabbatical year can be discussed).

When this year was at an end I had come to the conclusion that master of mechanical engineering was the educational choice for me and I started the education at Karlstad University in the spring of 2011. My master specification was materials engineering. Early on I joined a student choir named Söt Likör, in which I was active for the duration of my time at Karlstad University, one of the years as president for the organization. During my time in the choir I experienced countless and unforgettable concerts, performances, practices and get together´s.

Languages, other cultures and travelling have always been burning interests of mine and during my time at the university I took the opportunity to travel abroad. In the summer of 2013 I steered my steps toward a summer course in Nanjing, China, where I for the first time had the chance to practice the language and live in the culture I had fallen for from afar. Luckily I thought that China was just as awesome as I had imagined and I decided to go back for an exchange semester in the spring of 2014, this time in Hong Kong. Hong Kong was if possible even cooler and I made connections with students from all over the world. China has awakened a longing in me and I will definitely be going back there.

The university studies ended in the spring of 2016 with a master thesis within the field of laser cutting at GKN Aerospace Engine Systems in Trollhättan. During my master thesis I heard about the trainee program and thought it sounded awesome. To my happiness I got a place in the IGP (International Graduate Program). After 6 month in Trollhättan I will during approximately 4.5 years work at four different GKN sites in a total of four different countries. In other words: my dream job.

I have recently taken my belongings and moved back to Trollhättan and I am super excited for the years to come!