Wictor Dörrich

M. Sc. in Business Administration, Jönköping International Business School & B. Sc. in Industrial Engineering & Management, University West
My name is Wictor Dörrich and I was born one week prior to Valentines Day, February 7th in a small suburb outside of Vänersborg called Brålanda. But as of right now, I live in Trollhättan. During my youth years I had the privilege to experience another culture and country, moving to the Rochester Hills, USA when I was 8 years old. I spent two years in Elementary School and three years in High School. During this time I encountered challenges through language barriers but also culture differences that I had to adapt to. Looking back, this was a critical milestone in my life which has defined me and who I am in many ways.
After graduating from high school, I spent one year working but realized fast that I want to proceed studying with topics revolving around production and economics. As the weight of my interest is toward companies that produce goods in any form so my initial decision became pursuing Industrial Engineering & Management at University West. I believed that getting a stronger insight into how the collaboration between the industry and economics work would give me the foundation I needed. During the summers I had the opportunity to work at Volvo Cars in Gothenburg at their Logistics & Customer Support Department, engaging myself with first-hand collaboration with internal and external customers. Furthermore, getting a broader understanding of the importance of communicating across and beyond barriers as well as solving problems under time pressure.
During one semester, students were offered to the choice to do an internship at a company of your choice or study a semester abroad and my choice was already set. My decision landed on moving to Calgary, Canada. Besides accumulating various sets of skills, I travelled vastly to meet new people and to network. I have to say, if you haven’t been to Canada, you have to go and experience its beautiful nature and scenery!
When graduation finally arrived, I was offered an opening at TechROi AB as a Business Coordinator, which I accepted with ease. Throughout this exciting year I realized that my interest tilted more and more toward economics and business development so when the time came, I applied for a Master of Science within Business Administration at Jönköping International Business School. Throughout these two years I engaged myself within the university’s student association as Vice Head of Administration, consolidating and coordinating different project teams as well as spending one semester abroad in Guangzhou, China until it was time for the thesis.
Subsequently to finishing my master thesis, my end vision was to land a position in an exciting trainee program. Being selected to the GKN Aerospace trainee program gave me great excitement and meant that I could be able to contribute to a firm that empowers culture and personal development. Besides working, I value my interest for sports greatly, more specifically football. Today, I play football in a lower division team where our ambitions are high and the social atmosphere is great. This is what keeps me playing, which I believe is a crucial part of personal development and the ability to work effectively in teams. So if I am not at work you will find me on the football pitch or in the gym rehabbing. I am immensely thrilled about this trainee program and cherishing this time with my wonderful trainee team.