Our First Time at GKN: The Trainee Group of 2024

Our First Time at GKN: The Trainee Group of 2024

Hello everyone!

Now we are finally here, and it’s time for us to take over the baton for a range of different responsibilities from the previous trainee group, which includes running this prestigious blog. We look forward to updating all readers on what being a trainee at GKN actually involves, but we thought we would start by introducing ourselves before diving into what we have been up to during our first six weeks on the job.

Who are the Trainee Group of 2024?

The Trainee Group of 2024 consists of six lovely people with slightly different backgrounds, but overall, you could say we are a great team that gets along well and looks forward to what lies ahead. We will probably talk more about ourselves in the future, but to give you a name and a face, we will provide a brief introduction regarding academic background, hometown, and associated department. From left to right in the picture above, we have:

David Attoff | Stockholm | AeroThermodynamics
M.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering, Energy Sciences, Faculty of Engineering at Lund University

Erik Juliusson | Lerberget | Program
B.Sc. in Industrial Engineering and Management, M.Sc. in Management and Economics of Innovation, Chalmers University of Technology​

Hanna Gertsson | Skövde | Manufacturing Engineering
M.Sc. in Industrial Management and Engineering, Quality Development, Luleå University of Technology

Hannes Gustafsson | Vänersborg | Procurement
B.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering, M.Sc. in Supply Chain Management, Chalmers University of Technology

Anna Lundberg | Gislaved | Procurement
B.Sc. in Industrial Management and Production Engineering, M.Sc. in Entrepreneurship and Business Design, Chalmers University of Technology

Måns Larsen | Svedala | AeroThermodynamics
M.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering, Energy Sciences, Faculty of Engineering at Lund University

The beginning to our journey at GKN Aerospace

Even though we have only been trainees for six weeks, it feels like we have already accomplished a lot. The first week was all about settling in and getting to know the company better through various presentations, team-building activities, etc. We also spent a lot of time with the trainee group from 2023, which was very appreciated as they presented material that they themselves wished they had received during their first time as trainees.

Furthermore, both the second and third weeks were spent in Gothenburg for a global onboarding for all new trainees. When we refer to the ‘Trainee Group of 2024,’ we are only talking about those of us based in Trollhättan, while the actual trainee group includes trainees from some of GKN’s other sites around the world as well. During these two weeks, we got to know each other better while also deepening our knowledge of the company through lectures from experienced and senior employees within GKN Aerospace. In the third week, we also met the previous trainee group in its entirety, which led to many pleasant acquaintances.

The fourth and fifth weeks were spent in Trollhättan on a so-called workshop internship where each of us followed the operations from different areas and product flows. This was very appreciated as it contributed to a deeper understanding of the core business. One thing we can say is that abbreviations are a big deal at GKN, so spending some time in production and actually seeing which details belong to which abbreviation was very beneficial.

What happens next?

We are currently in the middle of our sixth week at the company and have now moved to our so-called home departments where our first rotations are taking place. We have received our first assignments and are looking forward to getting started and showing what we are capable of!

More information about who we are, as well as our rotations and tasks, will be provided sporadically over time, so keep an eye out to learn more! If you have any questions, feel free to comment on the post, and for further information about the structure of the trainee program, we refer you to the following page (written in Swedish).

Talk to you soon, and don’t forget to like and comment!

Best regards,
The Trainee Group of 2024

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