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Day: 26 November 2015



Good to be back on solid ground! Jet reversal off. Air brakes off. I have moved to Trollhättan. My relocation went well, as it should when moving from some square meters to a few more. My new apartment takes up an entire floor and though I live in the town’s narrowest cylindrical masonry, I have plenty of space between the toilet and elevator. A stone’s throw away is the grocery store and with even less effort, I have the gym and my neighbor, the bowling alley. I’ll save almost three hours a day in travels to work and have suddenly gained some leisure time. Like me, also many of my new friends have settled in town :-P. When moving from a large city to a smaller, I used to think of all the things I would miss. However, so far I am pleased and when I feel like it, the train to Gothenburg still departs regularly. What happens in the trainee program and the job then?

There it is, the old water tower!

The trainees have already reached the end of the internships you have heard about in previous posts and this week, we’ll (with many exceptions) move our coffee cups into new departments to learn a little more about work, the work and our company. Therefore, I move from the materials lab to work with the spatially and scientifically adjacent process engineers. It is, after all, through manufacturing processes that different materials, the ones I’ve been analyzing before, can be applied and obtain the properties required by our products. I don’t know much about what my duties will be and as much as I’ve enjoyed working at the lab, it’ll be fun to try something different, yet similar 🙂 Have a great day!
