Internal meetings and the next period of internships
Hello Again
As Emelie mentioned in the previous post, the young graduates participated in the regional finals of the First Lego League this weekend as the role of judges in different fields. This was a very rewarding opportunity for us, as it was incredibly fun and exciting to see how talented and skilled these young students were. The winner was the team Oh Deer, who had an innovative and exciting solution for today’s problems with wildlife accidents in the traffic.

Now that we have become more custom and familiar to our roles at our home departments, it’s time for the next category of activities for the young graduates, namely the internal meetings. Although we already soft started this activity by several introductions and meetings in our first weeks at the company, we will now start a coherent set of meetings internally within the organization. These meetings will consist of brief informal meetings with different persons and functions within the organization, and the purpose is to create a broad overview of the organization, as well as a valuable future network. This set of activities will run for the next 4 months,
This opportunity is very valuable to us, as it provides us with a unique chance to get familiar with the company and gain deeper insight on a holistic level regarding how the company operates and function. We will have the oppertuntity to meet with approxiametly 30-40 persons in the next 3-4 monts here at GKN Aerospace Sweden in Trollhättan. At the end of this set of meetings, we will hopefully have sufficient insights which we can use for two exciting meetings for the trip later in Februari when we will meet GKN plc CEO Nigel Stein and GKN Aerospace CEO Kevin Cummings to talk about the organization from a holistic perspective. To us young graduates, this seems like a great prevlige and the start of an invaluable educational journey.
Finally, I would also like to mention that we as graduate has started to identify the location of our next internships. As you probably already know, the graduate program is divided in 4 internships, divided by 10 weeks for each period. When choosing the internship locations, it feels like the possibilities are endless here at GKN because we design, manufactures and conducts research in most things related to the aerospace industry. For me personally, this was a very attractive attribute when applying for the young graduate program, since it provides unique opportunities to try different roles that otherwise would be difficult to come in contact with. So where will I be you might wonder? Well right now, I’m looking into spending a period closer to manufacturing in the role of a CME (Chief Manufacturing Engineer). I discovered this function after visiting a very exiciting course at Training Days, where presented some of their work which consisted of two of my biggest intrests, namely quality and technology. So right now we are planning and evaluating if there are any interesting projects and objectives I could participate within at that department. That’s all for now!
See you soon
Niclas Persson