Training Days and visit from Saab Trainee´s
Hi everyone!
My first post on this blog and my first blogpost ever actually. Didn´t think my blog career would start in connection to my first job, but really fun to be able to share what we actually are doing as trainees!
This week has also been filled with action. Firstly, “training days” is an event occurring right now at the Trollhättan site. The event is over two weeks where you have the opportunity to attend in-house courses/lectures presented by co-workers, which is a perfect opportunity to learn more about areas you find interesting!
One example of a fascinating lectures was “Clean Sky”, which is a public-private partnership between the European Commission and the European aeronautics industry. The overarching goal with Clean Sky is through this partnership, developing innovative, cutting-edge technology aimed at reducing CO2, gas emissions and noise levels produced by aircraft, which in a longer perspective also will contribute to the sustainable development goals. GKN is a part of several projects within Clean Sky and an example is the aviation engine in the image below, it is a prototype (demonstrator) developed by the company Safran in an attempt to come up with new ways to reduce fuel consumption further.

In addition to interesting lectures, we also had trainees from Saab visiting here in Trollhättan. It was a great deal of fun to have the opportunity to present our company (also interesting to test how much we have actually learned), network and hear about their trainee arrangement.

That was all from me this time, have a nice weekend and we´ll be in touch soon again!
/Rasmus Tyft