Judges for First Lego League
Hello again! It’s time for a new post!
This past weekend, we were given the opportunity to be judges for the first LEGO League regional competition here in Trollhättan at Innovatum. 15 teams from the region were given the opportunity to participate in the technology competition and compete for a place in the Scandinavian final in Roskilde, Denmark. Of course, GKN, which is a main sponsor of the competition, will be a part of the judges and we the Graduate Engineers were given that honor. This year’s theme is City Shaper, designed to inspire curiosity in architecture and STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics). The competition is for students to program a LEGO Mindstorms robot to collect points on a course but also to work in groups and try to solve a social problem linked to this year’s theme, which is challenges in our cities and communities. As a former contestant and judge in First LEGO League, I think this competition is a great opportunity for youth to learn more about technology and programming.

Our job as a judge is to rate each group in four smaller areas where we were divided as Competition judges, Robot Desig Judge, Project Judge and Core Values Judge. The team that accumulates the most points wins the grand Champion Prize and are given the opportunity to participate in the Scandinavian final. During the course of the competition, all teams in the competition have done a brilliant job with their assignments. We judges got to experience a high level of programming, execution of assignments, strategies and collaboration.
A big congratulations to Byhålans Eliter from Centralskolan in Grästorp who performed a brilliant job and won the grand Champion prize!