Working Globally

Hi all!
January has officially ended and believe it or not but almost half of our second rotation has passed. I decided to spend my second rotation at the Programme department where they handle, among other things, customer demand and customer agreements, both the establishment of new ones and compliance with already existing agreements. The department is divided into several teams where employees are stationed at different sites around the world. Each team is responsible for specific customers and so-called engine programs and by engine program I mean the type of aircraft engine that GKN Aerospace is involved in.
I have so far worked on a few smaller projects where I have looked at the demand planning process, trying to find more efficient ways to communicate customer demand within the organization. I am also involved in a larger global project where the goal is to create a standardized demand planning process. The projects I have worked on so far have required almost daily contact with our colleagues around the world, which has been very exciting.
Before I end this post I would like to remind you that the application for the graduate program of 2021 is still open. Click here to access the application.
That was all from me, stay safe!
/ Emma