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An American Abroad

An American Abroad

Hey blog readers! It’s Zenas Del Rosario—your friendly, neighborhood, American trainee. I’ve been in Sweden for about a month now and am proud to say that I’ve settled in just fine.

Flying in to Gothenburg from the US last month, I took no time before diving right into Swedish culture by taking in the sites. Shopping centers, museums, theme parks, OH MY! I was blown away by how beautiful the city looked. After an impromptu tour of Gothenburg by bus, I took a train through the countryside to my current home in Trollhättan. Thank goodness everyone here knows how to speak English! If not, I would have had a much harder time navigating my way around. I’m sad to say that I fell behind with my Swedish language lessons, but am happy that everyone here has been so accommodating. Other than the fact that the scenery is so much greener, Sweden feels just like California.

I took advantage of the weekend to unpack and explore Trollhatan to get my bearings, then started work at GKN Sweden that Monday, September 10th. Compared to GKN El Cajon, GKN Sweden is so much bigger. Walking around here is like roaming through a small city! An ID photoshoot, facility tour, and trainee meet-and-greet later, I was introduced to Workshop X and my coworkers in the Manufacturing Engineering Department. For those curious about what I’ll be working on, I’ll be using my expertise to support the GE New Product Introduction team as we troubleshoot problems, identify root causes, and work hard to fabricate shafts and rotors that MAKE THINGS FLY! The next 5 months here look to be exciting and full of learning opportunities. I’m ready to take on the challenges and perform at my very best!

Before signing out and flying on, I’d like to give props to the GKN staff and Graduate Trainee Network. The tips, tricks, and advice shared have been extremely helpful for assimilating into Swedish work culture and day-to-day life. For example, as the saying goes, “it never rains in Southern California.” If former El Cajon trainee, Nick Ninivaggi, hadn’t told me about the absolute need to buy a raincoat, I’d have been completely soaked through by now. Good golly, does it rain a lot around here! Bye until next time, readers.

Lunch with the coworkers. Hi mom! Your boy’s doing well.


Upstart Week Home Department

Upstart Week Home Department

Good day dear blog readers!

My name is Wictor Dörrich and my educational background differs from the rest of the trainees, with a focus toward finance and business administration instead of engineering. If you haven’t read our personal presentations, feel free to explore a bit more about us HERE.

Starting with me, I have had a great interest for GKN Aerospace for a long time and when the opportunity appeared to pursue a trainee-program, I did not hesitate. It fills me with great joy that I am among four graduates within finance that have entered the trainee program at GKN since its beginning (1986) and I am looking forward to all the challenges and opportunities that will appear. If I haven’t mentioned it before, within this short period of time that I have been at GKN I have met a vast amount of wonderful people, especially the individuals in the trainee group that I have had the privilege to get to know on a deeper level. Additionally, the people in the different workshops and offices have given me great insight and advice, which I am grateful for now. I understand now why people love this place and stay here for a very long time.

“Time flies when you are having fun”. With this quote I can certainly define the first four and a half weeks. It is already October 3rd and Christmas is in sight. My fellow trainee colleagues do not appreciate the extravagant Christmas spirit as much as I do but maybe I should be realistic and understand that it is approximately 3 months left…but still. Anyways, all of us have now started the first 10-week rotation at our home department, mine being Finance. My mission is to contribute and learn as much as I can during this time. The project that has been allocated onto me from my manager Alexander Andersson is to develop an aftermarket calculation model for one of our risk and revenue programs. For me, this is as exciting as it gets but I just hope that time will be in my favor! For the rest of the trainees they have been positioned in different key areas in regards to their expertise.

  • Nina Nordberg has her home department within Lean & Logistics and her mentor and manager being Maria Persson. She will be working on 5S and working methods for overlooking systems, structure and visualization. Furthermore, she will be working with Solve, an optimization model for production planning.
  • Amanda Dalstam has her home department within Space in workshop X with her mentor and manager being Marcus Andersson. Her project will encompass manufacturing engineering with the SWAN team (nozzle). Her main assignment is to produce a risk analysis that will serve as a basis for continuous improvement in manufacturing.
  • Filip Jensen has his home department within Rotors, supervised by Rikard Nedar. Due to his expertise within Space Engineering and Instrumentation, he will be working closely on the Space RU & Prometheus project.
  • Emelie Rönnbäck has her home department toward Engine Development at the Defence & Military division. She will be working closely with her manager Christian Lundh on a project to further develop the RM-12 engine.

As you can see, we have an exciting time ahead of us with much to learn. The upcoming 10 weeks will be spent working on these aforementioned projects as well as different side projects in correlation with the trainee-program. Furthermore, we will go more in-depth in the upcoming posts about how it is going for us and what we do more specifically when we are a bit more “varma i kläderna” as we say in Swedish. In other words, a bit more familiar with the job itself. We are still frantically waiting for our collective Trainee Project that will be ongoing throughout the next 9 months here in Trollhättan. Moreover, we will mention further about it when we know what it will be more explicitly.

That was all for me this time, hope you enjoyed reading about us and how our current situation looks like. Looking forward to sharing many more interesting and captivating endeavors here at GKN.

Until next time!

First activity week done.

First activity week done.

The fourth week of the young graduate program is a so-called activity week where we get the opportunity to visit different companies and also strengthen the group dynamic with some team building. This week was last week, which means a fully planned activity week with several study visits at different companies and ended with two days at Bohusgården with some leadership training.

Monday started early with a road trip (where Filip found his favorite spot in the middle seat) up to Kongsberg in Norway for a visit at GKN Aerospace Norway. They have close to 500 employees and we got the honor to meet Håvard Norum, the head of their technology department and two master students who do half their education at GKN. We received a very good welcome and learned a lot about their organization and production of different components for different airplane engines. Really interesting to see and hear how they have it there.  

Study visit at GKN Aerospace Norway in Kongsberg.

Tuesday also started with a long drive, from Kongsberg down to Gothenburg where a study visit to SKF was on the schedule. SKF is a technology company that mainly designs and manufactures different bearings; ball bearings, roller bearings and slip bearings for several different industries and applications. Among other things, we saw their production and parts of it have been much automated with robots and self-going trucks. Super cool! We also had a chat with Anneli Sundblom who told us about her trip in the company and tips and tricks that we can think of in our careers.    

Study visit at SKF in Gothenburg.
Study visit at SKF in Gothenburg.

Wednesday’s first visit was at Volvo Cars in Gothenburg and a tour with the blue train, where we were taken to the production and got to see how automated it is with all their robots which are more than the number of employees in that workshop.

Then we got to visit their Brand Experience Centre where we got to see and hear a lot of their innovations that make life better and easier and you really wanted to get a new nice Volvo after that. Just start saving money! We also learned that we have a baby elephant among us, Wictor, if he was going to crash with a car at a certain speed.

Study visit at Volvo Cars Brand Experience Centre in Gothenburg.

Last at Volvo, we got to visit their aftermarket and see their giant inventory, but now it is getting too small with all their products. It was interesting to see how their logistics works and all the trucks in motion. Felt like a highway with trucks, a miracle that they do not collide!  

The day did not end there, as we also visited Aeroseum in Gothenburg where we got to see several different fighter aircraft throughout the ages and their history. Our children’s mind came alive again when it became a lot of play and fun.  

Visit at Aeroseum in Gothenburg.

The last two days were spent at Bohusgården where we had educations in group and leadership. There we also had the traditional trainee baptism in the sea that this year was done in a stormy and cold sea. Now that we have survived this intense week, the first rotation begins at our home departments, where in my case is on the military side, where I will be part of a design project of the RM12 engine. Super excited!!

Excited team before the baptism.

Good times!

Two exciting weeks in the workshops done

Two exciting weeks in the workshops done

Time just fly by and at this moment we’ve just finshed our weeks as apprentices in the workshops all around the plant. In two weeks time has everyone of us new trainees followed certain products and their flows to get to know the company at the core. But before entering the real workshops we got a couple of intriduction days in the workshop which belongs to GKN’s secondary education and we got the oppurtunity to get some hands-on experince. We can proudly tell you that we’re now able to turn and mill by ourselves (very easy geometries, but still…).

However, I spent my first week in my workshop togheter with the operators at the differrent machnies and processing steps. And I learnt alot, but I’m far from being an expert as the guys and girls working on the floor truly are. The last week I’ve spent more time in the offices since I been working with the product manufacturing engineering team, the link between the withe collar and the bluecollar work. My collequges on the other hand have done all sorts of things since we’ve been at different workshops where different type of products are manufactured.

I’m sure of that I can speak for all of us when I say that we are starting to get ready to face the world of GKN as trainees! But before you’ll read more about our first rotations at our so called home deparments you’ll get the chance to travel with us, and where we’ll go remains unkown until we see you next time!

PS. If our beloved readers would like to get to know us new young gradautes better, there are now presentations about ourselves up on the blog.

The new Young Graduates are here!

The new Young Graduates are here!

Autumn is here, which means: New Young Graduates at GKN Aerospace in Trollhättan!

From the left: Wictor Dörrich, Filip Jensen, Nina Nordberg, Emelie Rönnbäck, Amanda Dalstam

Finally, the Young Graduate Program has begun! It has now fallen upon us to keep this blog going for the events to come. We will soon post presentations of ourselves, but here is a sneak-peak:

Wictor Dörrich
B.Sc. Industrial Engineering and Management, M.Sc. Business administration, Jönköping International Business School

Filip Jensen
M.Sc. Space Engineering, Spacecraft and Instrumentation, Luleå University of Technology

Nina Nordberg
M.Sc. Industrial Engineering and Management, Mechanical Engineering, Karlstad University

Emelie Rönnbäck
M.Sc. Mechanical Engineering, Linköping University

Amanda Dalstam
B.Sc. Mechanical Engineering, M.Sc. Production Engineering, Chalmers University of Technology

We have had two fast-paced weeks of meetings and workshop practice, and we have begun to create a greater understanding of the company’s core business and products. But the journey has only begun!

We are super excited about these upcoming 18 months and everything that it will offer us!

/Young Graduates 2018-2020



Hello there blog lovers, 

As of today we are no longer the only trainees at the company and with that said I would like to give the new trainees a warm welcome! You will get the opportunity to get to know them better in a near future.

Two weeks ago we got a visit from some of ABB’s trainees.

We hosted them for an afternoon where they got an introduction to our company, a tour of one of our product’s work flow and a presentation by our very own Kasper Janehag about digitalisation and Industry 4.0. We ended the afternoon with an after work with some good food and drinks! It is always fun to meet other trainees and exchange experiences.

Now I would like to promote another exiting thing. As an employee with still one foot in the trainee world I will now use the trainee blog platform to promote a new initiative at GKN Aerospace Sweden (GAS). We are a small group of happy individuals that are creating a network for young professionals on both a local and a global level in GKN. The purpose of Young@GAS is to inspire, encourage creative thinking, create possibilities for both personal and professional development as well as increase the collaboration between the young employees and the company.

If you are a GAS employee and you think, as we do, that this is an awesome initiative we would very much like for you to come to an information meeting on Thursday the 6th of September at 11.15 in Aulan. Come and get inspired to be involved and join our events the coming year!


Farnborough airshow

Farnborough airshow

Hello all blog lovers,

I have just arrived home from a visit to the Farnborough airshow. Lisa mentioned in our last post that Lisa, Signe and I got the opportunity to visit the show for a marketing analysis to scout for new technologies and cool companies. And I can tell you, there is a lot of them! The event was held by no other than Chris Gear, Chief Technology Officer GKN Aerospace. It was a great opportunity to meet with him and exchange ideas.

We also got the chance to network with some of GKN’s British and American graduates. It is always fun to meet and exchange experience. We also took the opportunity to do some other fun things, but one day was way too short to explore the whole area. Here is some of the stuff we got to do.

As a supplier to Boeing we got a private tour and try to pilot seat in their 737 and 787 plans.

The US army invited us to both their fighter helicopter Apache and their military aircrafts, the Hercules, where we also got to try the cockpit.

We also got the chance to see the complete PW 1100G engine in real life (FINALLY). The three of us has in some way all worked with the engine.

The blog will take some summer holiday a couple of weeks but is back in the end of august. We also will be leaving the blog in the hands of our new graduate colleagues who starts in September.

Hope you have a great summer

F I N A L L Y !

F I N A L L Y !

Dear beloved blog reader, do not despair! Your long lost favorite blog writer is finally back again 😉

I conceive that you all spent many sleepless nights wondering about how I am doing. How has his time in Holland been? What has he done since the last blog post? How has he managed the conversion from a trainee to a simple office-worker? Do not worry – I’m glad to announce to all of you that both my body and soul are on top!

My six months in Holland made a fantastic experience, and although my final assignment was not exactly as planned, I learned a vast amount of things along the way. I was part of a project introducing new products, which is exactly the type of work that I want to lead in the future. I was responsible for planning and scheduling as well as monitoring the activity plan. A work that may not sound like the most exciting of them all, but if you, just as I do, get aroused by complicated Excel formulas and nice looking graphs, I can promise that it will get the senses spinning wild.

Besides my professional duties, I made sure to experience all the best that Holland has to offer, and I met new friends who hopefully will be with me for the rest of my life. It was undeniably with mixed feelings that I left Holland in the beginning of May, to return to my much loved and missed Trollhättan <3

Now I’ve been on my new position for almost one month already, and I must say I got a flying start. I once again work in a project with new product introductions. This time as product manufacturing engineer and with the Japanese customer Kawasaki Heavy Industries. Working with a customer from the other side of the world and a whole new culture of course means a lot of unforeseen experiences and challenges, not least in terms of quality demands and unpronounced expectations. At the same time it is incredibly fun and exciting! For example, at which other workplace in Sweden will you be offered prawn and mussel cakes with the coffee?

As you have surely understood by now, I am like a duck to water in my new project, and it’s a wonderful atmosphere and great work commitment in the project group! With that said, I now leave the word to my trainee son-in-law Alexander, who in the next post will tell you about how it feels to finally have his biggest role models back in Sweden.

One week in Italy

One week in Italy

Buongiorno all blog lovers,

We have just got home from one of our notorious activity weeks (we actually do more than just travel, I promise). The destination was Italy with several eventful company visits.

GKN Sinter Metals Milano
We opened the week strong with a visit to GKN Sinter Metals Milano. We were welcomed by Massimo Sala, Production & Plant Engineering Manager, who offered us everything from candy to stories from all his years within the company. This was our first visit to a Sinter Metals site, so some of us (myself included) had what you might call “a limited knowledge” of the sintering process. This was no match for the experienced Massimo who really gave us a comprehensive yet very detailed overview of the entire Powder Metallurgy Division and sintering process. Sinter Metals Milano has more than 50 customers in more than 20 countries and delivers metal parts to e.g. the automotive industry. For those who are not familiar with sintering it is, very simplified, a process of forming metal parts from powder with the help from pressure and heat. First, you squeeze metal powder into a mold, then “bake” the part in an oven to lock the material properties.

After the presentation we got a tour of the factory where we in true LEAN spirit followed the flow of the product; from mixing of metal powder to shipment of finished details. In addition to compression molding and heat treatment, the details can go through milling operations, tumbling and seizing. Massimo also showed their interactive touch-TV screens which they have in production. You can check everything from the weather to who is working in production to machine capacity. Something we graduates think we should introduce at our site. The white board era is over!

Avio Aero Turin
On Tuesday we drove about two hours west of Milan to a rainy Turin to visit our customer Avio Aero, one of General Electric’s Aerospace companies. We met with Guilia Marti who works as a buyer where GKN Aerospace Sweden is one of her customers. We received a presentation of the entire Avio Aero and we discussed customer-supplier relations. Guilia who, in comparison to many other hosts we met, was quite young, and she told us how it is to work at GE. She told us that a big difference since GE bought Avio Aero is that it has become a more transparent business environment which promotes rotations within the company to spread knowledge. A very interesting meeting which put our own company in relation to a complete-engine manufacturer.

See ya, 

Life at business development

Life at business development

Hi dear blog readers,

May month, summer is here and it has now been 8 months since we started our trainee program. Time flies! I am now on my third trainee rotation, which unfortunately is coming to an end.

After trying out purchasing, logistics development and seeing some of our production, I was curious about how we think about our future business, so for me it was natural to do this rotation within Business Development. During the past weeks I have been focusing on the Asian market, where a lot of work is done concentrated on business intelligence, creating relations and negotiating various types of agreements. This is done with aim on countries such as India, China, Japan, Korea, etc. During my trainee rotation, I have been involved in working on an exciting business opportunity for GKN, which has been really fun. I have learned a lot about export control, that is, what is legal to deliver or manufacture in which places of the world. I have also worked with our technology department which has been fun to get a more technical approach to the business opportunity. As you may understand, future business opportunities include sensitive information and are therefore secret for now. I cannot go into detail, but if this deal is sealed, I promise you will hear about it.

Now, we are all preparing for our next activity week which starts on Sunday. Italy is the destination and we have many exciting company visits planned. Hopefully we will have good weather and be able to have one or two gelatos between the visits, yummy!

