Time for a new chapter
It is finally time for a fresh group of graduates to enter GKN Aerospace and this is why we will be taking over the blog. And who are we? Well, we’re a happy bunch from all parts of the country where everyone magically ended up in Trollhättan. Even though we all come from different backgrounds, we’re all very excited to see what the graduate program can bring.

Some one once said “time flies when you’re having fun” and these couple of weeks are proof of that. We’re currently on the last of week 4 and it is crazy to think about what we have done. The first week was mostly presentations and teambuilding exercises with the group and with the group from 2021 to get to know each other better. The last days of the first week was spent at the Apprentice program which is a collaboration between Teknikcollege (where GKN Aerospace is included) and Nils Ericssongymnasiet in Trollhättan. There we got tours in the different workshops and labs and we also got to try out turning and milling, both common processes within all production lines at GKN Aerospace.
For our second week as graduate, we flew to Amsterdam, the Netherlands for a global on-boarding with the graduates from the Netherlands, the UK and the US. The on-boarding lasted for 10 days, but after 6 days in Amsterdam we took the bus to Rotterdam to end the on-boarding. There we also met the 2021 cohort who were there on their second development week. Except for interesting company presentations, we also attended workshops to gain better knowledge about the culture principle of GKN (aka Power of 5), cultures, engagement, diversity, inclusion, economics and so on and so forth. We also got to be apart of the graduation of the 2020 cohort which was very exciting and inspiring. Although we were tired after these 10 days, we more excited about our future development weeks with the group in the picture below. Many thanks to Charlie Lean who organized this so perfectly well for us!

This Monday we started our two weeks interships in the workshops where we are supposed to learn more about a product and how it is produced. You will get to read more about this in another post!
Take care!
P.S. If you want to know more about us graduates, you can do this here!