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Time for a new chapter

Time for a new chapter


It is finally time for a fresh group of graduates to enter GKN Aerospace and this is why we will be taking over the blog. And who are we? Well, we’re a happy bunch from all parts of the country where everyone magically ended up in Trollhättan. Even though we all come from different backgrounds, we’re all very excited to see what the graduate program can bring.

Some one once said “time flies when you’re having fun” and these couple of weeks are proof of that. We’re currently on the last of week 4 and it is crazy to think about what we have done. The first week was mostly presentations and teambuilding exercises with the group and with the group from 2021 to get to know each other better. The last days of the first week was spent at the Apprentice program which is a collaboration between Teknikcollege (where GKN Aerospace is included) and Nils Ericssongymnasiet in Trollhättan. There we got tours in the different workshops and labs and we also got to try out turning and milling, both common processes within all production lines at GKN Aerospace.

For our second week as graduate, we flew to Amsterdam, the Netherlands for a global on-boarding with the graduates from the Netherlands, the UK and the US. The on-boarding lasted for 10 days, but after 6 days in Amsterdam we took the bus to Rotterdam to end the on-boarding. There we also met the 2021 cohort who were there on their second development week. Except for interesting company presentations, we also attended workshops to gain better knowledge about the culture principle of GKN (aka Power of 5), cultures, engagement, diversity, inclusion, economics and so on and so forth. We also got to be apart of the graduation of the 2020 cohort which was very exciting and inspiring. Although we were tired after these 10 days, we more excited about our future development weeks with the group in the picture below. Many thanks to Charlie Lean who organized this so perfectly well for us!

This Monday we started our two weeks interships in the workshops where we are supposed to learn more about a product and how it is produced. You will get to read more about this in another post!

Take care!

P.S. If you want to know more about us graduates, you can do this here!


Almost time for summer break!

Almost time for summer break!

Hello again!

How time flies. It will soon be a year since we, the graduates of 2021, started at GKN Aerospace in Trollhättan. For some, it was an experience of moving to a new city and for others, to move back home. An eventful year with mixed levels of restrictionsas a result of the pandemic.

Despite that, we have had a lot of fun thanks to the graduate program and we look forward to what next year has to offer. A few weeks ago, I started my third rotation at the Space Program and had the opportunity to participate in Universuem’s Space Day on June 19th. I managed our VR experience with the Ariane 6 rocket together with Marcus Broberg. During the day, astronaut Jessica Meir visited Universeum, a Swedish-American astronaut who spent 205 days in space. In the middle of her hectic schedule, she got the chance to try our VR experience.

From left: Moa Lubell, Jessica Meir, Marcus Broberg

Before the summer holiday, us graduates got together to summarize the year and discuss how we can increase our commitment at the workplace. The day ended with a round of mini-golf where the girls dominated. Better luck next time boys. 😉

Now the blog will go on a summer break and when we return it is time to welcome the new graduates. We also want to take the opportunity to thank the graduates of 2020 for their posts about the abroad rotations, it has really inspired us and we cannot wait until we get to go.

Have a good summer,


HR placement in Bristol, England

HR placement in Bristol, England

Hello everyone!

As you already know, me and the other 2020/2022 graduates are all abroad for our last placements, where I as well as Emma ended up in Bristol. Maybe you remember the news about Eunice hitting UK, the worst storm in decades? That’s when I arrived. Luckily the weather have just gotten better ever since and we’ve finally good some nice warmer summer weather, even if it looks like we’re getting a bit of rain now for Midsummer. But hey, what is Midsummer without rain anyways?

Since I arrived here in UK I’ve been working in Human Recourses where I am part of the global Talent and Engagement team. I am based at the Global Technology Centre here in Bristol and the rest of the team is spread across England. Luckily we’ve learnt a lot about remote working and digital meetings lately! The work in HR is totally new and very different from any other work I’ve ever done but I’m learning so much. Since I arrived my time have been divided into two major topics, events and Learning & Development. With Learning & Development my work have been heavily focused on the “behind the scenes” in our Learning Management Systems, Wilbur and LinkedIn Learning.

The first event I got involved in was Recognition of Learning, a ceremony at the Aerospace Museum in Bristol. Under the wings of the Concorde we recognised colleagues within our company for their achievements during the past two years and as part of this celebration the 2019/2021 global graduates also had their graduation. During the same week the 2021/2023 global graduates also had their first development week, which Moa has already told you about, which made it a quite intense week and start of my placement but so much fun and a lot of good memories made!

Recognition of Learning 2022 – Bristol Aerospace Museum

After this big event in March it was a quieter month in April before me, Emma, Jens and Marcus went to Paris early May and then adding in Robin for our third development week in US just a few weeks later. First thing first, Paris and the JEC World. JEC World is an international composite show where we as graduates helped out in the GKN Aerospace stand as well as walking around the show getting inspired from all the other exhibitors. We gathered new knowledge around composites and our products and I am truly grateful for this network experience!

JEC World Composite Show – Paris 2022

After a week of recharge back home in Bristol my graduate cohort met up for our third and final development week at our Newington site in Connecticut. During the week we developed skills and knowledge around coaching, presentations and negotiations and between the sessions we got the pleasure to meet the US recruitment team and Engines Talent team, and also throw some axes! Before leaving US we also took the opportunity to visit Pratt & Whitney’s Customer Training Centre where we got to see our products assembled on to the engines. Then of course we ended our trip with a visit to the Intrepid Sea, Air & Space Museum in a sunny New York!

Visit to Pratt & Whitney

I can’t understand where time has gone. We’ve soon been here for two years which means that we’ll be graduating this autumn. I just want to take the opportunity to thank my cohort for everything, what a journey it’s been! But before ending the scheme and leaving UK I will end my placement with a last project, Farnborough International Airshow, one of the world’s biggest aerospace events! All the global graduates from both 2020/2022 and 2021/2023 are meeting up here in UK for this, so I bet you will hear more about it later on!

Have a great summer everyone!


My time in the UK

My time in the UK

Hello everyone!

It’s time for an update from my abroad placement in Bristol, UK.

I’m at one of GKNs two manufacturing sites in Bristol, in addition to these two sites GKN also have a brand new Global technology center. The site where I’m at is part of the Civil Airframe business line and they manufacture products to the wings of the aircraft, unlike the site in Trollhättan which manufactures parts to the engine. The main products that’s produced here are Fixed Trailing Edge (FTE) to the Airbus A350 aircraft which is a long distance aircraft with a wide aisle. If you would travel from London to New York it’s likely that you will get the honor to board this aircraft.

The FTE are made out of carbon using Advanced Fibre Placement, it’s over 30 meters long and is made out of 3 shorter spars which are automatically assembled to the full FTE. The assembly process itself is the most complex automated large scale assembly undertaken by GKN. The total weight of the entire FTE is 1800 kg which corresponds to about 7% of the wings weight and it supports 10x its own weight. It runs from the fuselage all the way to the end of the wing. Below is a picture of the assembled FTE and a drawing to show where on the wing it’s placed. As I mentioned, the FTE carries a lot of weight but it has other functionalities as well. For example it’s used for attaching the landing gear onto the wing.

What about living in Bristol? Bristol is located on the west coast of England, about a 2 hour drive from London. It even has its own airport, which is very convenient. I flew to Paris a few weeks ago with a direct flight to Charles de Gauelle, and it took just about 1 hour. The city is filled with great pubs and restaurants and there’s also a lot of shopping and plenty of parks and green areas. The pictures below is from one of the biggest parks in town and a panorama view of the town from above.

So, Bristol is close to London but I’m even happier about the fact that it’s close to Wales. If you are into old castles, fortresses, cathedrals etc. then Wales is the place to be. It has more castles than any other area in Europe (might have found a somewhat biased source for that but anyways). Apart from the castles the countryside in Wales is absolutely beautiful. I tried to find a few pictures to show you what it looks like but as you know, it’s never the same in a picture as it is in reality. All pictures are from Wales, the top left one is from Little Haven on the southwest coast, top right is the St.Davids Cathedral in St.Davids. Bottom left is from Conwy castle on the north coast and bottom right is from Brecon Beacons National Park.

That was all from me, take care!


My time in the Netherlands

My time in the Netherlands

Around 3 months ago I packed my bags and stepped on a plane with the final destination being the Netherlands. This was a bit unfortunate timing as the country was in the midst of a covid lockdown making it difficult to settle in at first. Luckily IKEA opened up a few days later making it possible to collect all the necessities of being a “swede”.

Ever since my arrival I have had the great opportunity of joining the Lean deployment team at GKN’s defense site located in Hoogeveen. Upon joining I was a bit worried that the language barrier would be an obstacle. As it turned out I have more of an issue with the food culture of eating sandwiches to lunch every day than with the language, which says a lot about how well they speak English in this country. Anyway, my role within the Lean deployment team is an interim site six sigma black belt which constitutes a few different responsibilities. For instance, I am running an improvement project targeting reduction of non-conformances for one of our “high movers” for the military fighter jet F-35 Lightning II. Another part is to make sure we are running our six sigma program for the benefit of the site, meaning that we target the most critical issues and the ones who can bring us financial savings and cost of poor quality (COPQ) reduction. Based on GKNs global target of putting much emphasis on reducing COPQ I believe working with Lean six sigma is one of the most influential areas at this point in time, which really drives my motivation.  

Having this possibility of working abroad is one of many great parts with GKN’s graduate program. Besides learning more about handling all the tough situations related to moving to another country I also got first-hand experience working with many cool new products in the defense business line, e.g., wing flaps and inflight opening doors. As these products include a great deal of composites, they require very different manufacturing processes than what I am used to in Sweden, making the new learnings and perspectives very valuable.

As of for now, I am going to enjoy the last couple of weeks here in the Netherlands to see if we can take a few more steps toward making Lean fly. After that, it is time for some vacation and then I will see you all back in Sweden.

Take care everyone!

(F-35 Lightning II)
Northern Sweden vibe check

Northern Sweden vibe check

The 27th of april was the last fair for the season, LARV (Luleå ArbetsmarknadsVecka) in Luleå. The trainee fighters sent to visit Norrbottens pearl, Luleå, were Merim and Alex together with two HR representatives and two managers. It was awesome to get the chance to talk with students about aerospace and our role within the business, we hope that some of you we meet have found their way to this blog.

The journey started at 03.30 on Tuesday from Trollhättan to Landvetter and then on to Luleå, with a transit in Arlanda Stockholm. The arrival to Luleå hosted fresh winds and snow covered lawns, what could be better than this to build your character. As a previous LTU-student, I (Alex) had to act as a local and guide the team around campus prior to us setting up our stall. After a lot of dividing and adding, we could happily agree on that setting up a Samsung-TV on a portable wall is a lot harder than designing and constructing jet engines… Towards the evening we went in to town and grabbed a couple of beers and had something to eat at the newly established Corners Sportsbar. On Wednesday the fair happened and it was overshadowed by all the coffee we drank. It was really fun that our 3D-printed rocket got us much attention which enabled us to talk about other stuff we do except the Ariane rocket nozzle. There were a lot of interesting, engaging and nice talks with students about materials, manufacturing and the future of the business. We just want to say thank you to everyone that visited us during LARV.

For me (Merim) it was my first time in Luleå, I have previously never been further north than Stockholm, and I can happily say that it was a really nice experience to visit, as Alex refers to it, Norrbottens pearl. It was everything I expected and more, frozen lakes and ocean, a bit of snow that has not yet melted and cold winds. I can though imagine that we were a bit lucky as we visited Luleå during the “right” half year so we did not get the vitamin D deficiency.

After the fair me and Alex attended the banquet which was arranged by LARV. They indulged us in a fantastic lobster soup followed by salmon and some kind of potato bun, and lastly some cheesecake, very good food. We also got the try out beer from Luleås own brewery which was a cool experience.

To summarize my first visit to Luleå I would say ten out of ten would do it again!

Thesis work

As a trainee you can help out to manage all the thesis works at the company as most of them eventually end up at our table and we post them on the trainee blog. Sometimes it happens that we hear something about a thesis that is not yet posted, which is why it is good for you as a student to contact us as we might have more in storage than what you see on the blog, however this is not guaranteed. In worst case, we will just make a note of your interest and area and we’ll reach out to you when something interesting comes up.

As I mentioned earlier, we publish all our thesis work on this site so take a look to see if you find anything interesting. We usually publish new work during autumn which is scheduled to start in spring, so the posted documents might be outdated and some of them might already have started. However, you can always contact the contact person to double check, maybe there will be a continuation on the current thesis work.

Open to work?

We also got the chance to talk to you about how it is to work for GKN Aerospace and what opportunities there are right now. I would encourage you to take a look at our career page, which you can find HERE, take a look and apply for any position that looks interesting!

La vie en France

La vie en France

Suddenly it happened, covid-19 released us from its firm grip and we were finally able to go abroad on our international placements. It feels like it’s several years ago I wrote an entry on this blog considering how much we’ve done since handing the blog over to the current trainees. We, the trainees 2020/2022, have finished our final rotations in Trollhättan, visited most of our sites in England and now we’re all spread out on our international assignment which is the final step of the graduate program.

In my case, I got the opportunity to spend my six months in France with our customer ArianeGroup on their site in Vernon, along the Seine an hour west of Paris. ArianeGroup develops and manufactures the launchers Ariane 5 (and the coming Ariane 6) for which we develop and manufacture the main engine nozzle and turbines for both first and second stages. I am however part of preparing the upcoming hot-fire tests of the Prometheus engine where we’ve developed the turbine.

Prometheus is a very exciting project, partly because it is intended to be used in the Themis launcher which will the first European reusable launcher and also because it is to a large extent developed for additive manufacturing to drastically reduce cost and weight. On top of that, it’ll use methane as propellant! For our component, this means that we’ve been able to reduce the amount of components from around 100 to only two! Also, the hop tests (liftoff – flight to a couple hundred meters – landing) will be conducted in Kiruna, which is great news for Swedish space industry!

Tidsplan för Themis testkampanj.

Enough about technology! Vernon is a smaller town, around 23000 inhabitants, where ArianeGroup is the largest private employer and the history stretches way back to World War II where the site was used to develop and test the V2 rocket. The site includes development, manufacturing, assembly and testing of rocket engines.

Vernon is situated in Normandy, along the Seine River that runs through Paris and debouches into the English Channel. There are lots of renaissance castles through this valley and around Vernon that keeps me occupied during the weekends, as I have an interest in history. One of the highlights is a visit to the coastal town of Étretat and the cathedral in Rouen where Olaf II Haraldsson (King of Norway 1015-1028) was baptized and then played a vital role in the conversion of Norway from Norse Paganism to Christianity. Normandy has an incredible amount of history linked (as the name tells) to Scandinavian Vikings, so there’s plenty to discover!

I could keep writing for ages but this anecdote will conclude my post for this time.

Until next time, I wish you all a great spring!

CHARM at Chalmers

CHARM at Chalmers

Hi y’all,

During Tuesday and Wednesday (w. 14) CHARM took off, which is the student fair at Chalmers, and this year trainee gang was represented by Elias and Merim. As a trainee you’ll get the opportunity to go to these fairs, if it is something that you like to do. We got the chance to talk to many students, some of you may even be reading this blog right now, and talk about some nerdy stuff and cool facts about the SWAN-nozzle and so on.

On Tuesday it was me (Merim) who attended the fair together with Elamin, who started the trainee program in 2019 and is now a team-lead in our production. During the fair, we had leaders and experts from our engineering office and some HR representatives. We thought that the first fair day went smoothly and a lot of students came to our booth! We hope that you took the opportunity to come and speak to us and allow us to tell you more about what we do! It’s a unique chance to speak with leaders within our business and learn more about what we do, how we do it and what the future holds.

As Merim mentioned above, I (Elias) represented the trainee gang on Wednesday. Not only did we meet a lot of engaging students with an interest in Aerospace, I also got the chance to see Chalmers for the first time! As I studied in Linköping, I hadn’t really got the chance to see Chalmers. Student fairs is a great platform for recruitment, where we get to meet the students and advertise for both thesis jobs and the open positions we have at GKN Aerospace.

Thesis work

As a trainee you can help out to manage all the thesis works at the company as most of them eventually end up at our table and we post them on the trainee blog. Sometimes it happens that we hear something about a thesis that is not yet posted, which is why it is good for you as a student to contact us as we might have more in storage than what you see on the blog, however this is not guaranteed. In worst case, we will just make a note of your interest and area and we’ll reach out to you when something interesting comes up.

As I mentioned earlier, we publish all our thesis work on this site so take a look to see if you find anything interesting. We usually publish new work during autumn which is scheduled to start in spring, so the posted documents might be outdated and some of them might already have started. However, you can always contact the contact person to double check, maybe there will be a continuation on the current thesis work.

Looking for job?

We also got the chance to talk to you about how it is to work for GKN Aerospace and what opportunities there are right now. I would encourage you to take a look at our career page, which you can find HERE, and take a look and apply for any position that looks interesting!

A picture of three youngsters from day 1 at CHARM. Fr. left: Merim, Simon, Elamin.
A picture from day 2 with our experts, leaders and HR together with Elias.
Back from the States

Back from the States

It’s with mixed feelings I look out the window and see that it snows horizontally in Trollhättan right now, at least it’s not pitch black when you leave the office anymore… The past month rushed by with development week, recruitment of 2022 graduates and last week I had the opportunity to tag along my new department for a week of meetings at two of our US sites.

At the moment, I’m doing my third rotating at Supply Chain Engines, a global department who supports all Engines-sites across the globe, where I will work on further developing internal communications and knowledge sharing. As part of this project, I was invited to join the department for a gathering at our site in Newington to discuss Supply Chain and Procurement for three days.

The journey started in a turboprop plane to Copenhagen before boarding the A350-900 to Newark Liberty International Airport. The latter is propelled by the two Trent XWB engines where we manufacture the Intermediate Compressor Case at our site in Trollhättan.

Due to heavy winds we hade to use an alternative runway but I surely wasn’t complaining with Manhattan and Statue of Liberty as background during landing.

Once in place, the meetings were held in Newington at our Engines site that manufactures large Fan cases to GE90 and IMC to the smaller of the GTF engines, 24k. The frist day we talked about the expectations of the team, targets and inventory management. One of the lesser expected learnings were that Americans serve their coffee in boxes and if you expect seven Swedes to be present, one of those boxes will not be enough to get through the day.

During day two, we talked about engagement, communications and knowledge sharing. Together with my current manager I conducted a workshop regarding how the department wants to communicate, what meetings that should be held continuously and how they can be more effective.

Last day was spent talking about new Aerospace standards and how they affect and ease our daily work before the afternoon was free to meet each other and discuss common issues before going home.

Last evening I met up with Ludwig & Amy, two of our American graduates that are currently working at our site in Manchester. Approximately 20 minutes from Newington.

Before going home on Friday we visited our site in Manchester. It was great to see their workshop since it differs quite a lot from what we do in Trollhättan. In Manchester, they focus on manufacturing blades for the engines fan and compressor. For some programs, the process is quite similar to how we work in Trollhättan, a large forging that looks similar to the end product which is then processed to finished goods. However, they also produce really small compressor blades that is no more than 15cm long and is milled out of a block of aluminum. If you weren’t aware of the end product, you would have no clue what the raw material was supposed to become.

After the tour we headed back to Newark for the plane back home and the weekend. A short but intense trip to the US.

Interested in Aerospace? Right now we have a lot of interesting jobs on the GKN Aerospace career page, go have a look!


Introduce a Girl to Engineering

Introduce a Girl to Engineering


Last Friday, Emelie and I arranged a digital event for young girls and non-binaries between the ages of 13-19, with the goal of inspiring them to pursue a career in technology. The event is called IGE-day, Introduce a Girl to Engineering day, and is a concept created by the Womengineer Foundation. Womengineer has a vision that by 2030, the number of graduating engineers will be the same for both men and women. At GKN Aerospace, we work actively to increase the diversity of the company, and participating in events like these is very important to us. Because of this, we have participated in IGEday several years in a row.

As mentioned earlier, this year it was time for Emelie and I to arrange the event at GAS. Given the high spread of the Coronavirus at the beginning of the year, the event was decided to be held digitally, which went very well. We invited Johanna Nylander who presented the actions of the aviation industry to achieve a sustainable flight. Additionally, Elin Eriksson and Emily Chen told us about their journey and described what they do in a normal workday as engineers. Thank you for being a part of the event!

Because the event was digital, we chose to send out goodie bags to the participants, something that was very much appreciated. We hope that the participants had a good day and that they learned more about engineering, and possibly got an answer to the eternal question “What does an engineer do?”.
