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The application for the Young Graduate Program 2020 is now opened!

The application for the Young Graduate Program 2020 is now opened!

Hi everyone!

The day has finally come, the application to become a part of the next year’s Young Graduate group has now opened!

You can read more about the Young Graduate Program here on the website under the tab “THE YOUNG GRADUATE PROGRAM”. If you have more questions regarding the program or the company in general please contact us at and we will help as best as we can!

Follow this link to apply:

Looking forward to having you as our future colleague! Yay!

Christmas party by Young @ GAS

Christmas party by Young @ GAS

Hi and happy Saint Lucy’s Day to you all!

This week has been quite uneventful from the trainee assignment perspective, which means that we have been able to be extra productive at our department we are currently at. (Yay!) Although, a big event for this week have certaintly been the Christmas party that Young @ GAS arranged.

Young @ GAS is a community for and created by the employees who are 36 years or younger working at the GKN site in Trollhättan . They usually arrange activities such as networking fika, lunches and different events throughout the year. This provides an opportunity for you to meet with people whose paths you probably would not have crossed otherwise, which is super fun! This week was the Christmas party as mentioned and we, the trainees, were responsible for the entertainment during the night. Music quiz, charades and other games were on the schedule and at the end of the night the team “The 2019 trainees are the best” stood victorious. I think they might have tried to flatter us with their chosen team name. Which of course worked.

Christmas party in Trollhättan!
The winning team “The 2019 trainees are the best”
Visit at Skaraborg Air Force Base and glögg mingle

Visit at Skaraborg Air Force Base and glögg mingle


Last week, together with the senior class at the GKN-partnered high school and the local interns, we visited the Skaraborg Air Force Base F7 in Såtenäs outside of Trollhättan. We were given a very interesting lecture by a retired JAS 39 Gripen pilot and a tour of the hangars. F7 is a military unit and one of the Swedish Armed Forces’ most important air force bases, one of the reasons being that it houses the educational centre for JAS 39 Gripen pilots. Besides the Gripen the base also take care of all activities related to transport- and special aircraft, with missions for the government and international endeavours.

The group posing in front of a Gripen fighter in one of the hangars.

The trainees also organized a glögg mingel (glögg is a Swedish take on mulled wine but don’t worry, it was legal!) for Flying members, a group of current and previous trainees at GKN Aerospace in Trollhättan. We served homemade saffron buns (a Swedish christmas classic) and glögg in a cozy setting and performed a by several sources exceptional Luciatåg (Yet another Swedish tradition, in eng. St. Lucia’s parade). Indeed, the Luciatåg was so appreciated that it is now demanded a re-run at this week’s christmas party. Current and previous trainees are still in negotiations behind closed doors and a resolution will not be presented at a press conference during the day.

A quiet week

A quiet week

Hello readers,

Hope you have had a good week so far and not a week that has been as dull as the weather we have had here during the past few weeks. We even had a new record for the least total hours of sunlight at the west coast during the month of November. According to the statistics, the average is around 59 hours of sunlight, however for this year it was only 10 hours! 🙁 But luckily, today, the sun finally came back and shone over Trollhättan and energized us right before the end of the month. 😀

In comparison to the previous weeks, this week has been significantly calmer. It gave us the opportunity to spend more time at our home departments and focus more on projects. Beside that we arranged a lunch meeting with the Flying group, which is a community for all current and previous trainees at GKN Aerospace in Trollhättan. It turned out to be very successful and many people attended and showed their interest in us.

I am looking forward to meet them again at the Christmas mingle that we will host next week!


Agile – Buzzword and reality – Edition 2

Agile – Buzzword and reality – Edition 2

A couple of weeks ago my trainee companion Hampus wrote about additive manufacturing (AM) and compared the functionality of the technology in real life versus the “Buzzword” and its expectations. With that, I though it would be a fun subject to continue with, but regarding agile work methods instead.

You probably already know something about the subject, under the last period of my studies it felt like I heard it from every company I talked to. Everybody “works agile” and pushed on the fact that this is the way to go for organisations to be able to still be a strong contender in their respective industry. Although, since no company actually explained why they used that method and merely spoke about the positive affects without any concrete explaination I got a relatively negative association to the buzzword. It only felt as is the companies brought it up to be trendy and be seemed as an attractive employer for newly graduated students.

For you who has never heard of it before, or you who are where I stood earlier and only heard the positive sides of it without any clear explanation to why that is; here is a short introduction to what the agile method actually is.

The easiest way to explain the agile working method is to compare it to the traditional methods, the so called waterfall method. In this classic project methodology you use sequential phases such as define, build, test and release. Every phase has to be completed before moving on to the next and the project can not go back to a previous stage. Most commonly you work with the entire product you want to release in to the market. However, with the agile methodology you are using iterative cycles where you have the same four steps as mentioned previously but you do it in small batches (sprints) multiple times instead where you work with a smaller part of the whole product during each batch (increment). For an easy comparison between the two methodologies, see figure underneath.

Waterfall vs Agile Methodology

After learned more about the concept and had the opportunity to be involved in a team at GKN utilising this way of working I have to say that all of my negative associations towards the buzzword has completely disappeared, since you can clearly see the advantages it provides. But instead of me talking your ears off it is better if I just list the top three things I believe that agile working improves.

Reducing complexity and difficulty while planning (define phase)

Since perfect information does not exist the waterfall method is difficult to use proficiently in real life, due to the fact that you will learn more about the market, the product and future possibilities over time. This makes it less optimal when completing the planning stage which is what is done in the very beginning of the project, since the circumstances will most likely change. With an agile method of working the planning is instead done in each interactive cycle, which leads to being more flexible when it comes to changes.

Focusing on the real value of what the product can provide

You usually say that 80 percent of the value comes from 20 percent of the functionalities in a product. In the waterfall method you do not know what these 20 percent are until you deliver the product to the costumer who will find it themselves through using it. The agile method, however, creates small increments at a time instead of delivering the entire product immediatly. This provides the opportunity of showcasing these increments and communicating with the costumer which will further lead to finding the real value, and furthermore be able to focus on the imporant parts.

Reducing risks

Working with the agile method will also reduce risks during the product development stage through always delivering and presenting the increments of the finished product to the costumer. This will cause feedback to come at early stage in the process and as a result decreasing the time and cost of possible corrections, in comparison to doing changes on a complete product if the costumer is not satisfied.

Hope this small introduction to the buzzword “agile” was useful and provided a brief understanding that it actually provides more value than just marketing the product!

/Rasmus Tyft

GKN at Armada 2019

GKN at Armada 2019

As most of you already know, every year the universities all over Sweden hosts different job fairs where the students can meet ambassadors from various companies. GKN is usually present at the majority of these fairs to inform the students of available summer jobs, thesis work, regular positions as well as the trainee program. This season’s first fair is called Armada and is hosted by KTH (the Royal Institute of Technology) in Stockholm today and yesterday (November 19th-20th, 2019). On site we had Tim Hallor, Erik Knutsson and Peter Emvin who represented GKN Aerospace.

Visiting a career fair

Visiting a career fair

On Wednesday, a career and trade fair was held at Lyrfågelskolan in Trollhättan. All the GKN Graduates in Trollhättan were there and talked about GKN, informing about Industritekniska programmet (ITU) that is part of GKN High School and what opportunities there are for working with technology. The ITU program has existed since 1992 and is both a college preparatory and a trade education. During the day we met several students who have a great interest in technology and it was fun to discuss what opportunities exist in the industry. We also had two ITU students with us Nora Fröberg and Ruben Östlund who are in the third year of the ITU program, they explains a little more detail about why you should choose this program. Now we can only hope that we have awaken an interest in technology in the students, who hopefully might be our future colleagues.

The GKN Graduates with Nora Fröberg and Ruben Östlund, happy after a job well done

This was all from me this time, see you again soon!


Judges for First Lego League

Judges for First Lego League

Hello again! It’s time for a new post!

This past weekend, we were given the opportunity to be judges for the first LEGO League regional competition here in Trollhättan at Innovatum. 15 teams from the region were given the opportunity to participate in the technology competition and compete for a place in the Scandinavian final in Roskilde, Denmark. Of course, GKN, which is a main sponsor of the competition, will be a part of the judges and we the Graduate Engineers were given that honor. This year’s theme is City Shaper, designed to inspire curiosity in architecture and STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics). The competition is for students to program a LEGO Mindstorms robot to collect points on a course but also to work in groups and try to solve a social problem linked to this year’s theme, which is challenges in our cities and communities. As a former contestant and judge in First LEGO League, I think this competition is a great opportunity for youth to learn more about technology and programming.

A group of happy contestants!

Our job as a judge is to rate each group in four smaller areas where we were divided as Competition judges, Robot Desig Judge, Project Judge and Core Values Judge. The team that accumulates the most points wins the grand Champion Prize and are given the opportunity to participate in the Scandinavian final. During the course of the competition, all teams in the competition have done a brilliant job with their assignments. We judges got to experience a high level of programming, execution of assignments, strategies and collaboration.

A big congratulations to Byhålans Eliter from Centralskolan in Grästorp who performed a brilliant job and won the grand Champion prize!

Trainees from Siemens on a visit

Trainees from Siemens on a visit

Hi there!

This week has been full of meetings with value stream managers, planning our future assignments and travels as well as a nice visit from the Siemens trainees from Finspång! They were interested to know more about what GKN Aerospace is doing and how we work out in the factories, so of course we took it upon us to take them in and to show them around. It was a lot of fun having them here since they are developing gas turbines, which is very similar to an airplane engine. Both of them are partially made out of a gas generator, it is just that we are using it to create propulsion for the aircraft and they are using it to generate electricity, for example. Although, theirs are a lot bigger and heavier since they are used on ground level, and ours need to be light enough to not weigh down the entire plane. After the visit we went to a restaurant here in Trollhättan for a dinner together which was really nice! Now we are really excited to visit Finspång to see their site and how they are working with their products since they are so similar to ours, but used in such a different way.

Thank you for the visit, Siemens trainees!


Additive manufacturing at GKN – Buzzword and reality

Additive manufacturing at GKN – Buzzword and reality

It’s been a few weeks since we started our first rotations at our home departments and we’d like to think that we know what we’re doing by now. Well, at least we’ve learned a ton of abbreviations which you’ll soon get a taste of! I was thinking I’d write a bit about what I work with at the Global Technology Center (GTC), namely additive manufacturing or AM for short.

Additive manufacturing is a collection of manufacturing techniques that are based on building a geometry through layer-by-layer deposition of material. The most well-known example are desktop 3D printers that depose molten plastic through a movable nozzle. Nowadays they can be bought for a few hundred bucks at Amazon. At GKN we work with metal AM (MAM), which require machines that cost a few hundred thousand or millions of dollars instead.

3D-printer for hobby enthusiasts.
Metall-3D-printer på GKN Aerospace.

AM generates a lot of hype in general and specifically so in the aerospace industry. In comparison to for example the automotive industry we produce low volumes of products, which means the low deposition rate of AM processes is not as much of a problem. AM gives larger freedom in design than conventional manufacturing methods, for example by allowing internal voids in areas where material is not needed. This means that we can create a mathematically optimized design to minimize the weight of a component in relation to its performance. Lower weight means less fuel consumption and environmental impact – High five, Thunberg! Another advantage is in products that would otherwise require joining of multiple components. One example here is the rotor of our concept rocket engine Prometheus, which by use of AM has reduced the number of components from over 100 to just two (!!!).

Viktoptimerad AM-komponent för Boeing tillverkad av GE.

At my department we primarily work with LMD-W, which stands for Laser Metal Wire Deposition. In LMD-W molten metal is deposited on the substrate (the “base”) by laser heating of a metal wire, held by a robotic arm. The primary focus is to build features such as flanges on large structures, for example a product called Fan Case Mount Ring. Currently, the material is bought as a titanium forging weighing roughly 550 kg and is then machined to a final weight of about 80 kg. Instead, we may start with a forging of 80 kg, add 25 kg of flanges and other features by LMD-W and then machine to a final weight of 75 kg or so. We have then reduced the amount of material wasted by 94 %, which once again is an enormous environmental improvement!

Schematic of the LMD-W process.
Laser Blown Powder (LMD-P) is a sister technology to LMD-W which is also developed at GKN Aerospace.

Given what AM is capable of it’s hard not to hype the technology – what could possibly be sexier than lasers, robots and reduced environmental impact?