Zenas Del Rosario

B. S. in Aerospace Engineering, San Diego State University
Hey, how’s it going? I’m Zenas Del Rosario, the island kid with dreams of flight. I was born in September 1994 on the island of Guam, an American territory in the West Pacific. Raised in the era of “The Magic School Bus,” “Bill Nye the Science Guy,” and “Reading Rainbow,” I’ve had a lifelong interest in math, science, and the pursuit of knowledge. An avid competitor in the PGFC, a primary school competition focused on literature and public speaking, I developed an innate sense of competition and the ability to thrive in front of an audience since childhood. With skills developed in the arts and sciences as a youth, I’ve been able to carve my path in this world and become the man that I am today.
Seeking opportunity and a change of scenery, my family moved from Guam to San Diego, California in the summer of 2008. Here I started high school where I flourished in new activities and challenges. I wrestled and played volleyball, dabbled in breakdancing, and participated in a high school musical where I dazzled the crowd with humor. Never the one to shy away from a challenge, I even founded a political debate club—the A.A. Club (An Actual Club)—on an off-hand dare from a friend. All these experiences culminated in my senior year where I applied, interviewed, and secured my seat at San Diego State University under the SDSU Presidential Scholarship.
In 2012, I began my attendance at San Diego State University. Thirsty for knowledge and a challenge, I majored in Aerospace Engineering—SDSU’s most impacted and credit-heavy degree program. While there, I took an interest in structural aerospace engineering and studied such subjects as material science for engineers, statics and dynamics, and finite element analysis of aerostructures. Outside of the classroom, I honed my leadership and communication skills as a founding member of the Kappa Sigma Fraternity. I took on the role of Recruitment Chairman and more than doubled the size of the chapter from 40 members to well over 100. After four years of hard work and outstanding effort, I graduated with a B.S. in Aerospace Engineering and began my professional career as an engineer. Now that I knew how things flew, it was time to make things fly.
Post-graduation, I started my career as a Manufacturing Engineering Intern at GKN Aerospace in El Cajon, California before being hired as a Manufacturing Engineer in the Aerospace Global Graduate Program. I’ve learned many new things and made aerospace components for customers like Rolls-Royce, Northrop Grumman, and General Electric. I have truly become a “jack of all trades” and put much effort into mastering them all. Always adding to that list, I plan to study and participate in the different roles and processes that make GKN Trollhatan so successful so that I may spread that knowledge back home. Always running toward the next challenge, I’m excited to see what my career at GKN has to offer over the next few months. Got to fly; hopefully I’ll see you in the halls.