acabAfter the visit at Siemens, we travelled back to Linköping and Malmslätt to visit another company within GKN: ACAB (Applied Composites AB). The company has 70 employees who work with exciting material of composite, as the name implies. We were welcomed by Mats who is product development manager at the company and has been working there since the foundation in 1986. We got a cup of coffee, some gingerbreads and a very exciting discussion about the company, its products and what you can do with the composite material.

The visit was ended with a tour in the workshop where we also got the chance to look a bit closer to some of the products, e.g. products to the Swedish Military. Aside from the military business, ACAB has also customers within the transportation’s industry and aerospace, where they manufacture e.g. load bearing structures to airplane engines and the radomes to JAS 39 Gripen.

At 5.30 PM, five very tired graduates left ACAB and Linköping, grabbed a burger on the way and then went the two hours to Södertälje, ready for the next day’s adventure…

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