GKN-besök på GKN

GKN-besök på GKN

Vi hade nöjet att träffa Didunoluwa Obilanade, en trainee från GKN Aerospace i Filton! Han jobbar likt Lisa med AM och har varit i Sverige på ett topphemligt projekt. Vi kommer faktiskt träffa honom igen när vi åker till England om några veckor, och det var trevligt att få en försmak av honom redan nu.

Jag tror Didunoluwa också tyckte det var trevligt att träffa oss, han skrev nämligen detta på Yammer:

“Back in Filton AMC after a great week learning from the Prometheus Engine team in Trollhättan. Whilst I was in Sweden I arranged to meet with the GKN Trollhättan Trainees, my Swedish counterparts. They hosted me with some delightful ‘Fika’ as we discussed the range of project work that we’ve been doing during our graduate schemes, how they differ and the importance of taking time like this to network and learn about the activities of our sites. In fact two of the trainees are currently on the American GKN graduate program, doing their international placement in Sweden, hence this was a very global graduate networking session. The Trollhättan trainees will be visiting the UK sites in March and I’m much looking forward to hosting them during their visit to the GKN Bristol sites.”


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