From Trollhättan to Los Angeles
Finally it is time for me to start my last rotation in the states. This rotation will be spent at our site located in Santa Ana which is located in Los Angeles. The site in Santa Ana is actually not a part of the engine systems sub division but rather the Aerostructures. It is going to be fun to what types of differences there are between products and way of working.
The last days in Sweden I would expect to be quite calm, this was however not the case. A lot of things where to be taken care of before I should leave and in the middle of this, the trial days for next year graduate programme were held. I got the opportunity to assist during some of the assignments which was very learning. I can barely understand that it is already one year since I was there myself. Unfortunately I can’t give any details since a part of the trail days is the fact that you don’t know what’s going to happen. However, I would like to send a shout out to everyone who where there. You all did very well and I hope that you feel satisfied with your performance. It will be exciting to see whom of you that I will meet again this spring.
During the last days in Sweden I also managed to have time for a concluding presentation of some of the work done during my latest rotation as well as a last lunch with the Thesis workers. This spring we’ve had about 50 people doing their thesis at our site and I hope that you have enjoyed your time with us.
Besides all the work at our site, a lot of time was spent figuring out what to bring and what not. Since my inner voice constantly tells me to bring everything I can think of I probably spent at least twice the time unpacking unnecessary items then I did packing.
But enough of my week in Sweden, last Thursday I arrived to Los Angeles and my first weekend were spent in San Diego. Here I got to visit one of my old College classmates who’s studying at the San Diego university. It was a really nice town and I can understand why he choose to go here for his studies.
Generally in the states I have noticed that as expected, people are a lot more outgoing compared to the people back home. One great example is when me and my friend was playing tennis yesterday, a neighbor came and offered us some homemade pizza. Can’t say that has never occurred during my years back in Sweden.

This week is my first at work and hopefully I have more to tell an my next blog post in a couple of weeks.