Anders’ last report from the States
Over here in Newington the work has come up in pace as the internship is coming to an end. At the purchasing department, I have been busy with keeping track of stock levels and incoming deliveries as well as planning for future orders. In parallel I have also performed a value stream mapping of parts of our production here and explored the many abilities and shortcomings of the SAP ERP system. In short, many of the things I learned when taking my masters in supply chain management have come to surprisingly good use!
After mainly have followed a supervisor during the past year, it has been really fun to have more responsibilities in fields I am actually educated in. However, it is unfortunate that my internship has come up to speed, just as it is time to go home. Next week is the last one at the Newington site for Cecilia and me.
If you have followed this blog for a while you may remember Futuer Thinking, a GKN project that we graduates have been a part of since January. In this, we have worked on distance in our project groups, which of course have continued here in the US. This work has also taken more of my time recently, as my group has narrowed our scope to an interesting field. With a start in the wide subject of artificial intelligence we worked our way down to Industry 4.0, which is anticipated to become the next big industrial revolution – the “smart” factory. Hopefully, we will be able to come up with ideas and approaches to how GKN should take the step into Industry 4.0.