Time for internship abroad!

Time for internship abroad!

It is now really close to departure to the great land in the west, as half of the young graduate group is leaving for the US in next week. Cecilia and I are going to Newington in Connecticut, where we will spend our three month long internship abroad. Everything needed for the trip should now finally be in order, after quite some time and effort to get apartment, rental car, internship position and visa arranged. The last preparation was therefore a visit to the US embassy in Stockholm for the mandatory visa interview.

The site in Newington has been a part of GKN Aerospace since 2005, but then under the Volvo Aero name. Due to this, many Swedes are working there on a permanent basis and it has been rumored that the site has been somewhat Swedicized, but I still hope to experience some American culture also in the office (read: doughnuts and Casual Fridays). The fact that the city is 1,5-2 h from both New York and Boston will probably not make the stay any less fun. The cultural experience is actually a major reason to our stay abroad during the graduate program.

Looking forward to reporting here again when I have been on-site for some time!

GKN Aerospace Newington


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